Whenever you build a direct mail, email, or multichannel campaign, it’s crucial to consider what one marketing consultant calls “The 5 Rights” of marketing. This list is a great way to condense a lot of marketing wisdom, so let’s look at those five rights. Use all five with every campaign, every time, and you’ll get outstanding results.

1. The right message.
Before you send anything, understand your customer base and what is relevant to them. For example, if you’re a car dealership, don’t send promotions on new or used cars to people who have purchased a vehicle within the last 12 months, even if you’re offering a great deal. Send them a discount on their next service visit instead.

2. The right person.
A diet and fitness company was targeting women in a specific demographic. The mailer had a great product and offer and a strong call to action. Unfortunately, the company mailed to the heads of households, which were primarily male in its target area. The campaign bombed. Get your target audience right!

3. The right time.
The date your mailing hits is often as important as what it contains. Think about donations. Charities usually solicit in the spring, but unless people are regular contributors to an organization, they typically make the bulk of their donations in December—right before tax season ends. Timing can make a huge difference in your success.

4. The right channel.
Some people block phone calls but read emails. Others block email but accept phone calls. Direct mail always gets through. Know your customers and what channels they prefer. Use those channels, and you’ll maximize your opportunity for success.

5. The right reason.
It’s not just what people buy, but why. What are the emotional triggers that motivate your audience? New parents want to ensure that their children are happy and safe. New homeowners want to protect their investments. To be successful, understand the “why” as much as the “what.”

Put the five rights together, and you will have a paradigm for success!

Note: “The 5 Rights” is a term used by Steven Schnoll, a marketing consultant to the printing industry.

Posted on

July 10, 2024
